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Message to all members,

During our Fall Board Meeting the board members looked at our financial status.
Our investments have proven to give us a higher return then we had planned. So,
we want to pass that return onto you our perspective members and our current
members. How are we going to do that? Well, we are reducing the cost of
membership and even offering a gift to the 2023 graduating class.

ISSRT Membership Rates

  • Membership cost will be:

    • $25.00 students enrolled in a primary educational program (One time membership fee)

    • $40.00 Annual membership

    • $60.00 Associate membership

    • $20.00 Emeritus/retired membership

2023 grads – FREE one-year membership (from a primary educational program only) Welcome to the ISSRT Society! Congrats and Happy Graduation!

Please contact Pat Murphy with any questions or concerns about this new membership fee scale.

Patrick Murphy B.S., R.T. (R), (CT)