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National Radiologic Technology Week® is celebrated annually to recognize the vital work of R.T.s across the nation. The celebration takes place during the week of Nov. 8 to commemorate the discovery of the x-ray by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen on Nov. 8, 1895.

The week-long celebration calls attention to the important role medical imaging and radiation therapy professionals play in patient care and health care safety.

  • NRTW® 2024 Kahoot Challenges and Scavenger Hunt Results

    Scavenger Hunt
    1. Brittany Ochs
    2. Emma Mance
    3. Kristen Robbins
    Patient Care Kahoot
    1. Mason Alley
    2. Patti Holvey
    3. Brittany Ochs
    Image Production Kahoot
    1. Lisa Rauch
    2. Mason Alley
    3. Casie Dugan
    Safety Kahoot
    1. Xochitl Sopoci
    2. Casie Dugan
    3. Jennifer Tuttle
    Procedures Kahoot
    1. Patti Holvey
    2. Arina Szekely
    3. Nikki MacDougall