The President shall preside at all meetings of the Society and perform all duties consistent with the office. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees, except the nominating committee. The President shall appoint committees unless otherwise provided in the bylaws. The President shall serve as an alternate delegate to the ASRT House of Delegates. They will attend the annual conference and preside over all business sessions. The President will submit a minimum of 1 article per year on their designated month for the newsletter. The President will communicate with all board members on a regular basis. This is a 1 year term. The President should have previously served on the board or have been a committee chair.
Approximate Volunteer Hours per Month: 8-10
The President-Elect shall become familiar with the activities of the Society and shall make all preparations necessary for his/her elevation to the office of President. The President-Elect presides over the nominating committee. The President-Elect shall serve as the second alternate delegate to the ASRT House of Delegates. . They will be present for all meetings, submit a minimum of 1 article per year on their designated month for the newsletter. The President-Elect will attend the annual conference. This is a 1 year term and a total of 3 year commitment. The President Elect should have previously served on the board or have been a committee chair.
Approximate Volunteer Hours per Month: 6-8
Vice President
The Vice President shall become acquainted with all of the duties of the President. In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall assume the duties of the President. The Vice President is over Membership, keeping track of numbers and implementing ideas to grow membership. They will be present for all meetings, submit a minimum of 1 article per year on their designated month for the newsletter. The Vice President will attend the annual conference and give a report. This is a 1 year term.
Approximate Volunteer Hours per Month: 5
The Secretary shall keep the minutes at all meetings and the conference business sessions, conduct correspondence and perform all duties that usually and customarily pertain to the office. They will attend the annual conference and give a report. The Secretary will submit a minimum of 1 article per year on their designated month for the newsletter. This is a 2 year term.
Approximate Volunteer Hours per Month: 8-10
The Treasurer shall receive and keep funds of the Society and pay out same only upon order of the Board of Directors. At the time of the annual conference, the Treasurer shall make a full financial report which shall be incorporated with the minutes. The Treasurer will attend all meetings and submit a minimum of 1 article per year on their designated month for the newsletter. This is a 2 year term.
Approximate Volunteer Hours per Month: 15-20
As an elected member of the ISSRT Board, the ISSRT Affiliate Delegate serves as the liaison between the ISSRT and the ASRT. He/She is responsible to the membership, to the bylaws of the organization, and to all policies of the Board of Directors. At the annual conference they shall give a full report.
This elected officer is a very important communication link between the ASRT and ISSRT. Effective communication is vital to the goals of both organizations. The ASRT Delegate is the voting Representative of the ISSRT in the ASRT House of Delegates. They will submit updates for the newsletter as well as a minimum of 1 article per year on their designated month. This is a 2 year term.
Approximate Volunteer Hours per Month: 5-6
Plus travel to the ASRT House of Delegates Meeting in June
Regional Advisor
As an elected member of the ISSRT Board, the Regional Advisor is a registered technologist elected from the region in which they are employed or reside and the official spokesperson for the organization to the region. The Regional Advisors is responsible for all aspects of the region. He/She is responsible to the membership, to the bylaws of the organization, and to all policies of the Board of Directors.
It shall be the duty of the regional advisors to encourage and assist in fostering such activities/events as will be of general interest and benefit to radiologic technologists. They are to maintain contact with the program directors of the colleges in their region. They shall also otherwise advise, assist and counsel radiologic technologist in their region in regard to professional matters, acting as official representatives of the Society. At the annual conference the Regional advisor will give a report. This is a 2 year term.
Approximate Volunteer Hours per Month: 5-6
All board positions are expected to attend and work at the Annual Conference. This includes pre-Board Meeting through post-Board Meeting, and both Outgoing and Incoming positions.